In a chilling incident that has left the Pacific Pines community on edge, five young thieves attempted to break into a home just past midnight at 12:45AM. The brazen attempt, which fortunately ended without injury or theft, has sparked concern about rising crime involving youths in the area.

The group of boys, believed to be between 14 and 16 years old, were caught on security footage scoping out the residence. They meticulously checked various entry points, testing doors and windows to see if any were unlocked. Among the group, two individuals stood out due to their distinctive long black hair, with one of them also wearing a silver chain.

What made the incident even more alarming was that one of the boys was wielding a 40cm+ machete. This would have been an incredibly frightening sight had any of the residents woken up and encountered the group. The footage captured their movements as they prowled around the property, appearing confident yet cautious.

The eshays were dressed in a mix of tracksuits, Nike Air Max TN sneakers and slides. The group displayed a concerning level of planning and coordination. However, their growing anxiety about security cameras was evident. One of the boys is seen in the footage attempting to block a camera’s view by angling it away and placing his hand over it, a clear indication that they were aware they were being recorded.

Despite their efforts, the group was unable to gain entry to the home, as all doors and windows were securely locked. Empty-handed, they eventually left the property and are presumed to have moved on to target other homes in the area.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of home security measures, such as locking doors and windows and installing cameras in visible locations. While the presence of cameras likely deterred the group from lingering longer or escalating their actions, the incident highlights the boldness of these young offenders and the potential danger they pose to the community.

Residents of Pacific Pines are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to authorities immediately. If you recognise any of the individuals involved or have information about their identities, please contact Crime Stoppers Queensland at 1800 333 000.

As juvenile crime continues to be a growing concern on the Gold Coast, incidents like these underscore the need for community awareness and proactive measures to ensure safety.

The Gold Coast Torch will continue to follow this developing story and provide updates as they become available.

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