In a bizarre event that has left the Molendinar community scratching their heads, an elderly man was caught on camera stealing a papaya from a resident’s backyard on August 17. While the incident hasn’t escalated to police involvement, the unusual nature of the theft has sparked plenty of local chatter.
According to the homeowner, the man was walking a small, white fluffy dog —possibly a Bichon Frisé — when he entered the backyard and plucked a ripe papaya from a tree. The man’s stealthy demeanour suggested he knew what he was doing, as he was dressed in a striped grey hoodie with the hood pulled up and wore sunglasses, seemingly to obscure his identity.

The homeowner, who witnessed the event unfold, managed to film the act but unfortunately couldn’t capture a clear view of the man’s face. Notably, the thief walked with a limp and wore black orthotic footwear, indicating he might be older.
While the theft of a single papaya may not rank as a high-priority crime, it has certainly raised eyebrows in the quiet Molendinar neighbourhood. Some residents speculate the man might have been tempted by the tropical fruit’s ripeness or may even have been acting out of mischief.
The homeowner, amused by the oddity of the situation, decided not to alert the police, citing the minor nature of the incident. Still, he shared the footage online, which has since garnered attention from locals curious about the papaya thief. The peculiar circumstances of the theft have left many in Molendinar both puzzled and entertained. Residents have jokingly referred to the culprit as the “Papaya Bandit,” while others have expressed concern about the brazen act, even if the stolen item was only a fruit.

One neighbour shared their thoughts:
"It’s such a strange thing to steal. Maybe he really needed it, or maybe he just likes papayas. Either way, it’s weird but harmless."
Another added:
"We’ve heard of cat burglars, but a papaya bandit? That’s a new one for the Gold Coast!"
Another chimed in:
"I hope the dog got a bite of the papaya too. It’s only fair!"
While the “Papaya Bandit” of Molendinar remains at large, this quirky tale serves as a reminder of the unusual—and sometimes amusing—events that unfold in everyday life. The Gold Coast Torch will continue to follow the story if new developments arise, though it’s safe to say this may be one of the least-threatening thefts the city has seen.
If you have a backyard filled with delicious fruits, consider this your gentle nudge to harvest them before they’re too tempting for wandering opportunists.