A young entrepreneur named Finn Johnson initially launched this platform in the midst of a youth crime epidemic on the Gold Coast, Brisbane and the entire state of Queensland. After acquiring the Gold Coast Crime and Brisbane Crime groups on Facebook, Finn had a vision of turning an unorganised group, into an engaged, online community through technology and innovation. With his love for the Gold Coast, ecommerce, technology and innovation, he figured he could use valuable stories, content and crime that had been posted on these Facebook groups by members of the public, and upload it to an online platform which is dedicated to this niche. With a passion for helping people, it seemed appropriate for members to get their local news, public safety announcements and crime alerts in one place. After some great feedback from the community, TGCT has also started branching out into reporting positive news stories as well. This is the beauty of being a small, lean, dynamic startup that values input from the same community that drives us.

Our Motto is The Truth: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

  • Independent
  • Partisan (no politics!)
  • Hyperlocal focus
  • Powered by the community
  • Based on facts – not feelings

Come and join The Gold Coast Torch, and get suburb-specific news directly to your inbox when it breaks. Become part of our tight-knit community, and stay informed on news that actually impacts you. We only report on Gold Coast news that is noteworthy, ensuring you get highly-curated value.