In a deeply disturbing incident, a 25-year-old woman was violently assaulted outside the Broadbeach South tram stop, situated near Pacific Fair Shopping Centre, on the night of October 2, 2024. The unprovoked attack, which occurred at approximately 11:30PM, involved two teenage girls who turned on the woman after she requested her phone back from the pair after letting them use it.
The woman had initially handed over her phone after the girls requested to borrow it. However, when she asked for it back, the teenagers erupted in anger, launching a vicious assault. Witnesses report that the girls pulled the woman to the ground, throwing her around “like a ragdoll” in a chaotic and senseless display of violence.
Adding to the distressing scene, the attack unfolded in front of over 20 onlookers. Many of these bystanders, described as younger individuals, chose to film the incident rather than intervene. Some were even seen encouraging the attackers, reportedly laughing and egging them on.
Witnesses described many of the bystanders, and even the attackers, as fitting into a specific youth subculture often associated with anti-social behavior. Known colloquially as "eshays," the individuals were noted for wearing bum bags, Nike TN sneakers, and sporting distinctive haircuts. This group has become increasingly notorious in parts of Australia for engaging in petty crime, intimidation, and disorderly conduct.
The attackers’ behaviour aligns with reports of escalating youth violence across public spaces on the Gold Coast, leaving residents concerned for their safety.
What makes this incident particularly shocking is the lack of action from those witnessing the event. More than 10 individuals were reportedly filming the assault, yet no one stepped forward to assist the victim or attempt to de-escalate the situation.
While authorities encourage individuals not to put themselves in danger, they emphasise the importance of seeking help in situations like this. Emergency services should be contacted immediately when violent incidents occur, and efforts should be made to provide aid to victims whenever it is safe to do so.
The incident has been reported to the Queensland Police, who are currently investigating. Authorities are seeking any footage from witnesses who filmed the attack and are calling on those present at the scene to come forward with information.
The attackers are described as teenage girls, and given their apparent lack of concern for consequences, police believe they may have ties to other recent anti-social behavior in the area.
The 25-year-old woman was left traumatised and sustained physical injuries from the assault. Emergency services arrived on the scene shortly after the attack, providing assistance and transporting her to a local hospital for treatment. Her injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, but the emotional impact of the incident will likely take much longer to heal.
Local residents have expressed outrage over the attack and the bystander behaviour. One witness said:
"What kind of society are we turning into? I get scared for my own safety on public transport, and sometimes have to get off before my actual stop, just to get away from them. They're absolutely feral."
This incident raises serious concerns about safety at public transport hubs like Broadbeach South. While these areas are typically monitored by security personnel and CCTV cameras, gaps in real-time intervention have become apparent.
The Gold Coast community is calling for increased patrols and the implementation of measures to deter youth violence, particularly in high-traffic areas frequented by residents and tourists alike.
If you were present during the assault or have any information about the individuals involved, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000. Anonymous tips can also be submitted via their website.
In cases of emergencies or when witnessing an attack, the public is urged to immediately contact 000 for police assistance.
The Gold Coast Torch will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available on this shocking incident.